Saturday, 2 June 2018

MBC America TV frequency Galaxy 13/Horizons 1

MBC America Channel frequency on Galaxy 13/Horizons 1 Satellite.

MBC America TV frequency on Galaxy 13/Horizons 1
MBC America TV frequency Galaxy 13/Horizons 1

MBC America TV frequency recently changed to a new one, the channel can be viewed now live on Galaxy 13/Horizons 1 at the new stable frequencies .
Watch your channel by editing your STB TP parameters with the followings:

MBC America Channel Frequency on Galaxy 13/Horizons 1 Satellite

  • Channel Name :MBC America
  • Satellite :Galaxy 13/Horizons 1
  • Position : 127.0°W
  • Frequency : 4070
  • Polarity :Horizontal
  • Symbol Rate :17500 5/6
  • Language :

    The MBC America TV frequency Channel on all satellites

    MBC AmericaGalaxy 13/Horizons 1127.0°W4070Horizontal17500 5/6
    MBC AmericaGalaxy 13/Horizons 1127.0°W4070Horizontal17500 5/6
    If The frequency of MBC America TV given here not correct please feel free to notice us


    Related Channels:


    1. KOREASAT launched MBC America, etc on the DREAM Satellite TV Provider in 2003 ahead of E-Talk. MBC FMU was included as well. In 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 DREAM Satellite expanded to the US, etc. In 2008, DREAM Satellite added ZAMJARI 1,2 TV on KOREASAT 5. In 2009, DREAM Satellite added AFN on their lineup. In 2010, DREAM Satellite added ORTN Tele Sahel, TCF Central African Republic, RTNC Congo, etc on their lineup. In 2011, DREAM Satellite added MEDIACORP, RTM, RTB, TVRI, etc channels on their lineup. In 2012, DREAM Satellite added MRTV, TPBS, MCOT, etc on the said lineup. In 2013, DREAM Satellite added FOX News, CNBC, MSNBC, etc on their lineup. In 2014, KOREASAT-7 officially broadcasted on DREAM Satellite TV with JTBC, OCN from KOREASAT 5 as the first channels to fully broadcast on the new KOREASAT-7 transponder. In 2015, DREAM Satellite added RTD Djibouti, Al Aoula Morocco, Altyn Asyr, etc on the said lineup. In 2016, DREAM Satellite added RTB Burkina Faso, RTC Cameroon, etc on the said lineup In 2017, DREAM Satellite closed its operations with NBC Nigeria, etc as the final channel of the lineup. In 2018, DREAM Satellite encrypted all the channels following its closure. Leaving ORTN Tele Sahel, etc on the lineup. In 2019, DREAM Satellite has few remaining channels following its closure in 2017. In 2020, DREAM Satellite has finally come to an end following its closure in 2017 with GCN, CGN, etc channels on the said provider. In 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, onwards DREAM is finally dead. And Now, DREAM Satellite is gone after 2017. As of now, DREAM Satellite has Korean, Japanese, etc channels leaving it behind following the closure in 2017. DREAM Satellite has broadcasted Your Face Sounds Familiar, MMK, Pilipinas Got Talent, etc which is hated because it's KOREASAT provided cable but skipped to Korea, japan channel instead of ph channel which is the worst.

    2. KOREASAT had broadcasted African, European channels on DREAM Satellite TV Beginning in 2002. In 2003, MBC, SBS, YTN, EBS, etc were included.
